------------------------------------------------------------------------ FinalWriter-030 Patch v3.0 International ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This patch speeds up FinalWriter 3.0 on all 68020/30/40 machines, things like font rendering and internal arithmetic will be up to 400% faster! It works with the following versions: US1 - American English created Nov 23 1994 US2 - American English created Dec 14 1994 GB - British English created Nov 23 1994 GER1 - German created Dec 7 1994 GER2 - German created Dec 14 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Install FinalWriter-030 Installer Script Install FinalWriter-030.info Icon des Installer Script Installer Commodore Installer SPatch SAS Patcher cachemap.library new cachemap.library qfont.library new qfont.library FinalWriterXXX.pch Patch data for FinalWriter swpost.library.pch Patch data for swpost.library swshell.library.pch Patch data for swshell.library ReadMe.txt You're just reading it! ReadMe.txt.info ... (guess what) FMath405.lha new Math Libraries ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. First install the regular v3.0 Update. 2. Now start "Install FinalWriter-030" by doubleclick on its icon and follow the instructions. 3. Finished! 4. Included as "FMath405.lha" you'll find a replacement for C='s math libraries, which are much faster with 68881/82 FPUs or on 68040 machines. Install them if you like. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ShareWare ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FinalWriter-030 Patch is SHAREWARE ! If you use the patched version for a longer period than 7 days, please send me US$ 20 or DM 30 for registration. All later updates will be free then. Registered users of version 2.1 '030 do not have to pay again! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Author ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Martin Berndt Fr.-Alfred-Str. 115 47226 Duisburg Germany E-Mail: m_berndt@wanderer.gun.de Money Transfer (Germany only): R.Berndt Kto. 393439-438 BLZ 36010043 PGA Essen ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FinalWriter Version 3.0 © Copyright 1994 by SoftWood Inc., FastMath Libraries v40.5 © Copyright 1994 by Martin Berndt, Installer © Copyright by Commodore-Amiga Inc, SPatch © Copyright by SAS Institute.